Lessons > Cooking Rice | Pilaf Method

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★★★★ (15)

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Lesson Overview

Pilaf is one of the four main methods for cooking rice. Though many grains are also cooked using this method, in this lesson, we are going to focus on using rice, which is generally the most common.

Pilaf is very popular in Indian, Mexican and Middle Eastern cuisines. The pilaf method is simil…

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • describe the pilaf process
  • know the difference between the steaming and pilaf method for cooking rice (or other grains)
  • understand how to make a basic pilaf without a recipe
  • know how to enhance a basic pilaf
  • know how to add proteins to pilaf
  • make side dishes and main meals out of pilaf

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: Cooking Rice | Pilaf Method
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. How to Make a Basic Pilaf
Not Started
4. How to Enhance and Flavor a Basic Pilaf
Not Started
5. Make This Delicious Pilaf w/ Lentils
Not Started
6. Adding Proteins to Pilaf
Not Started
7. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

"can the "adding protein" lesson be dropped off of plant based cooking course?" ★★
"This is the topic about which, perhaps, I have the most knowledge of any of the 50+ lessons I have completed. yet, initially, it was the one for which I got the lowest score. I REALLY think you need to improve this lesson with insights and experiences from the chefs who understand related dishes, e.g. from Iran, India and Pakistan. At least you need to make reference to the variety of ways of treating rice and other ingredients in pilafs/pilaus/polos, etc. This is the weakest of the lessons I have looked at so far." ★★
"had to take the quiz a couple times before i could successfully wrap my head around all of the details, which was helped by my subjecting my 'homework guinea pigs' to a half dozen attempts at making the pilaf in a variety of ways first, but i finally managed to pass this lesson and now my pilafs are actually on my friend's request list of favorites served! thanx again Rouxbe and culinary staff for the great experience!! Violet Skye 25 AUG 18" ★★★★★
"Instructions say to use 6 cups of liquid to 2 cups of wild rice, cook for 40 minutes. This does not work. After soaking the rice overnight I twice used 5 cups liquid and cooked for an hour, following all other instructions. The rice each time was watery and ruined my cooking times for other items. This makes me wonder if Rouxbe chefs just Googled it but never tested the process for themselves. Maybe I will give up this cooking program."
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12 Videos | 7 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: Cooking Rice | Pilaf Method
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: How to Make a Basic Pilaf
Task 4: How to Enhance and Flavor a Basic Pilaf
Task 5: Make This Delicious Pilaf w/ Lentils
Task 6: Adding Proteins to Pilaf
Task 7: Lesson Quiz

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