Lessons > How to Make a Frittata

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★★★★★ (40)

22,992 Students
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Lesson Overview

Frittatas are delicious, Italian-style omelets. They are easy to make and can be served for breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Because the flavor combinations are virtually endless, frittatas are never boring. Whether you prepare ingredients or peek into the refrigerator to utilize leftovers, fritt…

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • define frittata
  • estimate how many eggs to use in a frittata for the number of people you are serving
  • identify a good pan to use for making frittatas
  • know how to lighten the texture of a frittata
  • determine which ingredients need to be cooked or not before adding them to a frittata
  • determine how much filling to add to a frittata
  • properly cook a frittata
  • understand what to look for before flipping a frittata or transferring it to the oven or broiler to finish cooking

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: How to Make a Frittata
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. What are Frittatas?
Not Started
4. Choosing a Frittata Pan
Not Started
5. Preparing Frittata Ingredients
Not Started
6. Making a Basic Frittata
Not Started
7. Practice Activities & Recipes
Not Started
8. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

"Amazing feeling to know so much from this simple to follow course. I feel more confident by each step I take in this class really grateful I found this online course. Excellent......" ★★★★★
"wow! I did it. I never thought I would've been able to make a dish like this. it was all to the help of Rouxbe step to step video tours thanks once more," ★★★★★
"I really enjoyed the frittata lesson. This has traditionally been one of my husband's go-to dishes. He does them so well that I never learned. I am so pleased to have acquired this skill." ★★★★★
"The lesson is excellent. However, the new interface is clumsy and tedious. The old interface was so much easier to use and was quicker, with far less mouse clicks required. Sometimes change is NOT for the better! Why not display all tasks one after another on the same page? And allow the videos to play right on the page where its image is displayed? Not all this "Back to Task", "Next", "Previous" wastefulness." ★★★★★
"I have a very good understanding to make a consistent frittata in the future" ★★★★★
"Very Easy to follow the instructions. I have been making frittatas for awhile but this lesson showed me the proper way to do it." ★★★★★
"This lesson was easy to follow and wel explained. I enjoy working with Rouxbe" ★★★★★
"egg" ★★★★★
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6 Videos | 8 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: How to Make a Frittata
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: What are Frittatas?
Task 4: Choosing a Frittata Pan
Task 5: Preparing Frittata Ingredients
Task 6: Making a Basic Frittata
Task 7: Practice Activities & Recipes
Task 8: Lesson Quiz

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