Lessons > How to Make an Omelet

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★★★★★ (76)

32,694 Students
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Lesson Overview

The omelet is one of the fancier ways one can enjoy eggs. For many, it’s a Sunday brunch favorite where they can watch a chef make it right before their eyes. Served plain and simple, or filled with your favorite ingredients like a cheese omelet, a perfectly-cooked omelet can be a sublime eating …

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • identify the proper omelet pan to use for making an omelet
  • identify the key indicators to look for at each stage when making the omelet
  • roll an omelet out of pan and onto a plate
  • know when and how to add various ingredients
  • know how to make an egg white omelet

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: How to Make an Omelet
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. Pans for Making Omelets
Not Started
4. How to Make an Omelet
Not Started
5. Adding Ingredients to Omelets
Not Started
6. How to make an Egg White Omelet
Not Started
7. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

"It was easy, simple, love the visuals and explanations! Makes cooking exciting again. The quiz helps review the info." ★★★★★
"Very basic information but described well for a new cook." ★★★★
"I learned much more than I expected to. Really fun!" ★★★★★
"I thought I knew a little more about cooking eggs. I couldn't believe how delicious they were when cooked less, as well, as using less heat was an eye opener to me.." ★★★★★
"Great to learn the proper way of doing omelet! Thanks Rouxbe!!" ★★★★★
"Great Lesson" ★★★★★
"This lesson helped me to completely re-conceptualize an omelet! While the cooking mechanics were challenging, I felt very equipped with useful tips and techniques, and was successful in the end. I only wish it offered basic seasoning palates to explore. These eggs are quite delicate and easy to overshadow, and I still struggle finding complementary, and not overpowering, flavors. Also, I found the temperature recommendations to be a bit too generalized for this very sensitive cooking method." ★★★★
"Ahh it's like a secret magic has been taught to me. One that others don't fully understand and are eager to learn." ★★★★★
"An omelet is something that a home cook should be good at preparing so it can be a good start for more complex techniques." ★★★★★
"I have loved learning how to make an omelet, you made so much easier than I thought it would be." ★★★★★
"It is really the little things that make a difference. I have always been served overcooked omelettes and subsequently made over cooked omelettes and didn't know it. Ha! When I made a cheese omelette using the instructions in the lesson, my husband and son said it was the best they have ever had. It tasted so flavorful, light and delicate. Can't wait to have friends over for a brunch." ★★★★★
"this was a lot of fun we love eggs at my home town new orleans" ★★★★★
"I used to add cream milk or whatever to make them tasty and now I'll never do that again now I understand the correct technique. Amazing flavour and texture, thanks !!" ★★★★★
"I think after I practice a while I will be able to make an omelet equal to any restaurant. The instructions were easy to follow and I think even a mediocre cook like myself should be able to do this with proficiency in no time." ★★★★★
"A revelation! More than like the just undercooked, and slight filling. Delicious, fast, impressive. YUM!" ★★★★★
"it was pretty boring but very educational" ★★★
"5" ★★★★★
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5 Videos | 7 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: How to Make an Omelet
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: Pans for Making Omelets
Task 4: How to Make an Omelet
Task 5: Adding Ingredients to Omelets
Task 6: How to make an Egg White Omelet
Task 7: Lesson Quiz

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