Lessons > How to Make a Butter Sauce

★★★★★ (77)

22,258 Students
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Lesson Overview

Butter sauce is also called a beurre blanc sauce (“white butter”) or sauce blanc. It is a classic French butter sauce that is often served at fancy restaurants. It is considered by some to be a bit more challenging sauce because it has a tendency to split.

Beurre blanc or butter sauce goes we…

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • identify the main components of a butter sauce or beurre blanc
  • make a butter sauce or beurre blanc sauce
  • understand how to properly hold and serve a butter sauce or beurre blanc
  • know how to fix a split a butter sauce or beurre blanc sauce
  • know how to vary a butter sauce or beurre blanc to create a variety of different sauces

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: How to Make a Butter Sauce
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. French Butter Sauce Components
Not Started
4. Making a French Butter Sauce
Not Started
5. Serving & Holding Butter Sauces
Not Started
6. Fixing a Split Butter Sauce
Not Started
7. Variations of Butter Sauces
Not Started
8. Practice Activities & Recipes
Not Started
9. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

"another great lesson" ★★★★★
"An excellent segment breaking down the creation of a wonderful French butter sauce." ★★★★
"Wow, that was very informative and I'm anxious to apply what I learned." ★★★★★
"Good lesson." ★★★★★
"The lesson really help a lot" ★★★★★
"An interesting lesson" ★★★★★
"easy step by step directions" ★★★★★
"This is a great sauce demystified by this lesson. What sounds complex is really quite straightforward" ★★★★★
"This is the first sauce I ever made, and it was perfect! My friend said it reminded him of the butter sauce he has with the fresh fish he eats when he visits Cape Cod. Now THAT's a compliment and a testament to the excellence of this lesson and Rouxbe's cooking school :-)" ★★★★★
"o we love butter its whats for dinner...." ★★★★★
"Very easy to follow this lesson! Very detailed." ★★★★★
"Awesome" ★★★★★
"Very professional, I learned a lot" ★★★★★
"I look forward to preparing and finding creative ways to put my own touch on and enhance what I make." ★★★★★
"Completely demystified making butter sauce for me in a sweet and concise manner!" ★★★★★
"i think it was helpful because i learned something new and it will help because when i practice at mitt i will know what to do which is very important. thank you." ★★★
"I am getting more excited with every lesson. And I always make what I am learning and can see the difference in my cooking. Thankyou" ★★★★★
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7 Videos | 9 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: How to Make a Butter Sauce
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: French Butter Sauce Components
Task 4: Making a French Butter Sauce
Task 5: Serving & Holding Butter Sauces
Task 6: Fixing a Split Butter Sauce
Task 7: Variations of Butter Sauces
Task 8: Practice Activities & Recipes

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