Lessons > Selecting a Basic Knife Set (Plant-Based)

★★★★★ (37)

22,164 Students
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Lesson Overview

The first and most important step in becoming a good cook is to have a good set of knives and just a few are enough to get any new cook started on a successful culinary path.

The function of your knives is to get your hands started – to train them to prep and move ingredients effectively from …

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • describe the components of a basic knife set
  • list the parts of a chef’s knife
  • describe the characteristics of the European, Japanese, Granton, Santoku and Nakiri chef’s knives
  • learn what to look for when buying a chef’s knife

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: Selecting a Kitchen Knife Set
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. Selecting a Basic Knife Set
Not Started
4. European Chef's Knife & Anatomy
Not Started
5. Activty | Label the Parts of a Chef's Knife
Not Started
6. Asian-Style Chef's Knives
Not Started
7. Which Knife is Best for You?
Not Started
8. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

What People Are Saying

"Very information, now I am able to distinguish knife types." ★★★★★
"It was very interesting to learn about the grooves in the Japanese knives. I never knew that they served a purpose; I always thought it was purely for esthetic purposes." ★★★★★
"Very easy to understand, great lesson!" ★★★★★
"It was useful to learn proper terminology for the parts of a knife and what is most important in purchasing a knife." ★★★★★
"Short but thorough intro to basic knives and the different kinds of chef's knives available." ★★★★★
"Wouldn't have known what made a knife a chefs knife until this course. Had no idea what a Santoko knife was, would have guessed it was a brand. This was very helpful." ★★★★★
"It was a great lesson! I had no idea about the subject and know I can't wait to buy my own chef knife! Thank you!" ★★★★★
"This was my first lesson and I enjoyed it very much. I know more about knives and bought my first good quality chef's knife during this lesson." ★★★★★
"It is okay." ★★★★
"Very interesting information. Did not realize how little I knew about knives." ★★★★★
"It is a great result for me, because I´m learning the English language as an aside." ★★★★★
"I like this lesson. Because they have a good explanatories about all the themes and it promotes to have a good knowledge and results" ★★★★★
"Knowing about knives is different is different than actually knowing how to use a chef's knife carefully. Going through the Basic Knife Set course was very informative--sweet & short. I feel much safer and more confidant using a chef's knife after going through the course." ★★★★★
"Starting this lesson I could only identify a chef's knife by its shape and had no knowledge of its component parts and variations. At the end of the lesson I am much better informed and realize the value of a good set of knives." ★★★★★
"It provided a good overview regarding several different styles of chef's knives that I wasn't familiar with. I also learned the parts of a knife." ★★★★★
"I have never cared for Chefs knives. I am so pleased to learn that I was totally uneducated! Thank you ever so kindly for this lesson!" ★★★★★
"I thought this was fantastic! I enjoyed learning all the parts of a chef's knife, what the differences are and which knife is used for certain things. My first lesson and enjoyed it very much." ★★★★★
"Fun and easy to learn with video" ★★★★★
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7 Videos | 8 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: Selecting a Kitchen Knife Set
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: Selecting a Basic Knife Set
Task 4: European Chef's Knife & Anatomy
Task 5: Activty | Label the Parts of a Chef's Knife
Task 6: Asian-Style Chef's Knives
Task 7: Which Knife is Best for You?
Task 8: Lesson Quiz

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