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Julieanna Hever - Ask a Dietitian

This event was on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Plant-Based Dietitian Julieanna Hever for this deep-dive on your questions and concerns about nutrition! Read More.



Any tips on eating well as a vegan while keeping Vitamin K levels low?

— Diana Jeffers


Yes. This is a challenge for a lot of people but the solution is kind of really nice. What you can do is you pick a dose of how much of those leafy greens you're gonna consume every day. So, you know, the key is consistency. So if you're going to eat which I recommend at least three servings of leafy greens a day, what you do is you tell your doctor exactly how much you're doing and they will moderate the Coumadin or warfarein or whatever blood thinner you're on and then you just stay consistent because your medication is consistent you want to have your conception consistent, which is actually a great excuse to make sure you're getting your leafy green vegetables three servings a day. So that's that's what I would suggest because I still recommend those are the most health promoting foods and it is hard to avoid vitamin K. So you just have to kind of stick with the plan be consistent. It's a really good a really good way to make it a habit.
Julieanna Hever

Julieanna Hever

Plant-Based Dietitian