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Julieanna Hever - Ask a Dietitian

This event was on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Plant-Based Dietitian Julieanna Hever for this deep-dive on your questions and concerns about nutrition! Read More.



I have type 1 diabetes and i tend to get hungry between meals, what snack foods do you suggest that are healthy and wont spike my blood sugar so high before eating my next meal?

— Jerry Griffin


So you need to play with this because I know people with type 1 diabetes that eat just fruit at every meal and they are able to keep you guys semia with their blood sugars over time and keep their hemoglobin A1c normalized. So you're gonna have to play with you and your insulin dosing and all of that but you know all the same foods are good, you know, if you want to think about what I learned classically about diabetes is tempering the higher sugar higher carbohydrate containing foods with the the lower ones to temper it's absorption. So for instance, if you're gonna have fruit maybe have a nut butter with it or handful of nuts or our seats, if you're gonna have, you know, vegetables you can do it with a hummus. That's a good snack because The protein and stuff in the fiber in the hummus gonna slow down the absorption of any vegetables the vegetables aren't high in carbohydrates, but they're higher and carbohydrates eating whatever you would normally eat. I don't like to think of meals as meals versus snacks. So I if you know, like if you have a big bowl of chili in the fridge and you just have like a little part of that just a little bit because you're really hungry that will fill you up until your next meal too or just eating meals that are large enough to sustain you but you're going to have to monitor your blood sugar and Insulin based on you know, this is I can't give you medical advice. I'm just giving you some suggestions because of course everyone's individualized in terms of blood sugar regulation, but food, those are my favorite snack foods that I would recommend I would recommend some soup just food that you would normally eat but just smaller portions. And just in terms of filling you up or just breaking it down and instead of I don't know if you're doing three meals and two snacks, but maybe just switching it up. So you're having four larger size meals throughout the day might also help regulate all of that. But make sure you're not eating a high fat diet because high fat in the diet has really been linked to diabetes, you know and disrupting you glycemia. And so that's that's one overall tip, but, you know finding those Foods at work for you and then not worrying if it's technically a snack or if it's just a meal and you're just eating a smaller portion of it. Like I don't like to say breakfast lunch and dinner anymore just a meal so redefining it like just because you know, a tofu scramble is technically breakfast doesn't mean you can't have that, you know late at night or for your last meal of the day likewise. I love to have salad first thing in the morning as my first meal because I don't like to differentiate so just foods that you like and the quantities that work for you and regulated with you know with your your insulin levels.
Julieanna Hever

Julieanna Hever

Plant-Based Dietitian