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Julieanna Hever - Ask a Dietitian

This event was on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Plant-Based Dietitian Julieanna Hever for this deep-dive on your questions and concerns about nutrition! Read More.



If you are borderline hypothyroid, what foods do you recommend to help support the thyroid and/or pituitary?

— C Lynch


That's a good question too. So one of the what I was talking about before about iodine, that's why I'm concerned about iodine plant-based diet, but really in most diets right now because Iodine. Okay. So you you need a certain amount of iodine adults need 150 micrograms a day. But you know if you have too low or if you have too much you're putting your thyroid at risk. So what I recommend I started recommending this I don't a couple years ago is just taking a supplement just to make sure you're getting 150 micrograms no more. No less and you don't have to think about it anymore because you can use Sea vegetables but they're not consistent in terms of how much iodine they have. So it's hard to regulate what you're consuming from a dietary perspective. So I take I like Dr. Furman's formula has multivitamin formulas. I recommend the men's formula to the men and I take the women's formula. They even have a children's formula. It has just the right amount of B12 just a right amount of D has just the right amount of iodine and selenium, which is also an issue for your thyroid. So what you could do with selenium is you could eat one Brazil not a day because one Brazil not a day ends up being about your recommended selenium dose or you can have like a handful in a week to get it those Are expensive though and just to not have to worry about it. You could do the selenium the Brazil nut anyway, but I do recommend supplementing especially if you are concerned about hypothyroid. So that's a good formula. There are some thyroid formulas out there that have iodine and and selenium and sometimes zinc is included but just look at just look at the numbers. You don't want to have any more than 150 micrograms a day. That's assuming you're an adult, you know, middle-aged. What from 18 Till? I think it's It might be 70 when it changes, but I can look that up for you. But those are the foods that I would consider, you know, being consistent about also being consistent. Those things will make it so it doesn't matter when you eat a lot of leafy greens or goitrogenic foods, like soy that will make it so it doesn't matter as long as you're getting enough iodine and selenium if that makes sense.
Julieanna Hever

Julieanna Hever

Plant-Based Dietitian