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Julieanna Hever - Ask a Dietitian

This event was on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Plant-Based Dietitian Julieanna Hever for this deep-dive on your questions and concerns about nutrition! Read More.



What food within the WFPBD is not recommended when someone is on thyroid medications?

— Eliana Posada


You know, the medication will temper it your thyroid the goal of with thyroid disease most of the time you need to take the medication. So this is not like high blood pressure or high cholesterol or high blood sugars. Were you can get off the medications with diet. That is that's been really shown pretty well. It's really pretty well established now that you can get off those medications with diet alone. Usually not always generally speaking again. I'm not giving medical advice but with thyroid we haven't seen that so much yet. So what happens with the thyroid is you get the diagnosis you get the prescription and then sometimes there's like this whole like gotta find the right dose and a lot of people go up and down until they're working with their physician to get to the right dosing of the medication. So make sure what you were asking that on on the food. So it's not necessarily food related that said I go back to what I just said previously is make sure you're getting your iodine. Make sure you're getting your selenium. I would recommend just taking that multivitamin that I like the doctor forman's formula again because it just has all the right nutrients. You have to worry about anything after that except for Omega-3s the DHA and EPA, but that's the one supplement I would recommend to cross the board. You won't have to worry about the other Foods. So I would be careful that said if your medicates that said if your medication is normalized you've gotten your thyroid regulated. I would avoid you know doing big dramatic amounts of sea vegetables. I would read the label. There are certain ones that are really high. That would be dangerous. I think some of them are like I think Okay, the name the types are escaping me. I know there's kombu and I know that I know that. Nori is safe and so is there's another one that's safe. But there's other ones that like, I think they'll say some of them have really high levels of iodine so monitor that too so just read the labels when you're eating those but I would be careful with those and make sure you get you know, make sure you're having the iodine selenium so that you don't have to worry about the absorption of all those good genic types of foods.
Julieanna Hever

Julieanna Hever

Plant-Based Dietitian