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Julieanna Hever - Ask a Dietitian

This event was on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Plant-Based Dietitian Julieanna Hever for this deep-dive on your questions and concerns about nutrition! Read More.



Any suggested alternatives to nutritional yeast in recipes?

— Paul Shook


Paul you're talking the wrong person because I'm a new fan, you know, if you don't like it, I would just eliminate it from the recipe. There is really not that many. There aren't that many foods that have that same Umami flavor. It depends on the recipe, but you could do, you know, if it's kind of like a cooked recipe mushrooms have an Umami flavor. That's usually what it's used for isn't Umami flavor. If you're not missing the cheesy flavor because if you're not liking the niche flavor, then you don't really I don't think you need to replace it. I'm trying to think of what flavor except for Umami that you might be missing. Let me know that's an interesting question, but you don't need it. I mean, it's just a it's just a not really it people use it as a supplement, but I don't think people necessarily should it's more of just a flavor additive. So it determine depends on what you're looking for culinarily speaking. If you want a Cheesy flavor you could do a cashew cheese, you know, there's all sorts of great recipes that my love my friend miyoko. She makes amazing. She sells amazing plant-based cheeses, but she also has plant-based a vegan cheese cookbook. So if you're looking for that cheesy flavor without the nooch, you know, you might explore some of her recipes. I have a butternut squash cheese sauce recipe online. That's from my book The vegetarian diet, which I love and that just gives me that cheesy flavor that I put on pasta or I put over whole grains or use a salad dressing but there's so many ways to make plant-based cheeses now so you don't need to use the nuch and actually my sorry my butternut squash recipe does have nutrients so never mind that but there are a lot of different ways you could ferment you could ferment cashews, you know, she gets really into detail. That this really beautiful way to make them. So I'd recommend reaching out looking at at her book.
Julieanna Hever

Julieanna Hever

Plant-Based Dietitian