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Julieanna Hever - Ask a Dietitian

This event was on Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Plant-Based Dietitian Julieanna Hever for this deep-dive on your questions and concerns about nutrition! Read More.



What do you recommend as far as soaps and shampoos go, because there are so many ingredients in them that I don't have any idea what they are?

— Chris


That is correct. because I was reading all stuff about the toxins found and soaps and all that. So I went to just really natural stuff. I started making my own products which is a little time consuming after I had my kids but I would go for them. They have all so many Brands now that are out there that are you know, free of all of these things that I can go do a whole talk effect. Maybe we should do that next year. That would be a really interesting Q&A is to talk about all the different compounds that I've got some videos on this if you Google more details on because there's soaps and then shampoos and all these things have all sorts of different chemicals that you want to try to avoid. But you know, you could use baking soda and white vinegar to clean almost everything in your house people use it in their hair to clean their hair. There's so much that you can use essential oils for different things. There's so many it's a kind of a really fun. Fun whole world out there. There's even books on it that with recipes on how to do it naturally, but that said, Look at your overall world. So we have toxins in our soaps and our shampoo and our face lotions in our air in our water in our food. There are toxins everywhere, but fortunately we are you know adaptable and that's why we're able to survive in there but one immune immunologist told me many many years ago and I always use this I even have a magnet about the bucket theory that it's how much are you filling up your bucket until it starts to overflow. So minimizing your exposure to these things overall eating a plant-based diet is a great way to get rid of all those added toxins or pollutants that come in from everywhere. You know, you're just you're not concentrating you're not eating the animal products that are concentrated sources of those pollutants, you know, using pureified water, you know, getting a water filter. I just use like the zero what's it called zero what water filter just to take out some of those other toxins. I use as much as natural as possible. I can cleaning products. So it's all of those things collectively Adds to what you're taking in, so just think about it from an overall perspective and you do your best, you know, you don't microwave your plastic and eat the food like there's certain things you could do everywhere in your life that will minimize your exposure to pollutants, but it is really the collective amount and just look for natural get rid of all those there's all these different compounds. I could look up SLS and all these things that you'll find in those things but start reading labels and you'll see the fewer ingredients the better. That's one way to to start looking at it.
Julieanna Hever

Julieanna Hever

Plant-Based Dietitian