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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Char Nolan - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, August 01, 2023 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Char Nolan in her virtual office as she welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to ask anything – from cooking techniques to cou… Read More.



Would you suggest starting cooking as a beginner on stainless steel or non-stick cookware?

— Carey Garner


So first I wanna show you this because these two pots and pans, this is a 67 year old revere wear sauce pan was my mother's still works beautifully, cooks beautifully, retains teeth beautifully, that copper bottom really, really was the ticket. And then I also have a farberware sauce pan, and this was a wedding gift, so it is 41 years old. So tried and true things like stainless steel might be your best investment because the ones that, uh, the pots and pans that offer miracle cooking, that you could cook, um, steel in that pan and nothing would happen. Go read the reviews for yourself, um, make your own, uh, sort of hypothesis and then find a solution as to whether or not these would really work for you. One of the things that I did read is that, yeah, they were great for the first three months, but after that they started to scratch and stick and didn't really do a good job. So if you go to Rouxbe, uh, Instagram yesterday we posted, um, how to saute in a stainless steel pan. And that's the review about creating the water bowl or mercury bowl test because you can cook with stainless steel. The most important thing is having the correct temperature on your pan because if it is not at the right temperature, everything will stick. So here's what I say, you're not sure what you wanna do. Head to a thrift shop. Go to a thrift shop. There were some beautiful, beautiful stainless steel pots and pans and good names from back in the day, as they say. So I would buy that pan and I would practice with it because what happens is probably, and myself included, the first time that I used a saute pan without oil, I thought my house was going to go on fire. Not really. My point is that I had to get to know the pan, I had to practice my technique. And once you practice and sort of, uh, feel really comfortable with no oil saute, you will come to find that using a stainless steel pot or pan is going to be your best bet. So that's my commercial, and I think that, um, my sainted mother who loved her revere wear, and, uh, I who, um, had a couple of additions, you know, that I wanted to try because I heard that, oh, this pan is gonna like, work like magic. But the reality is that I always go back to the stainless steel. So, um, one thing, if you Google how to clean stainless steel pans, there's that thing on the internet where you put hot water in a pan with a dryer sheet and then add white vinegar really works.
Char Nolan

Char Nolan

Chef Instructor
