Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Explore a Career as a Food Coach!

Explore a Career as a Food Coach!

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Explore a Career as a Food Coach!

This event was on Wednesday, January 03, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Attention Chefs, Home Cooks, Dietitians, Coaches, and Clinicians

🌟 Join us for an enlightening presentation and discover how you can revolutionize your career as a Food Coach! 🌟

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Can you tell us what is covered in each Term of the Food Coach Academy and when they will launch?

— Patrick Britton


The first term is launched right now. It starts with orientation and then the basics. Everything from, uh, how does one, um, fill up? So I'll give you an example. Satiation and satiety in order for you to fill full on, on lower calories, the longer the time your food stay in your mouth, uh, the more satiated you'll be and you'll eat less calories. So that's just one example of a basic tip. We also have how to, how to find reputable sources of information and nutrition research. Um, then we have the kitchens. And in the kitchens you'll learn how to set up a kitchen for your clients, for yourself and how you are going to create a teaching kitchen. And these teaching kitchens are popping up everywhere. You have them in food pantries, you have them on buses that go into the community. Uh, you're finding them everywhere now. And name it, you can set up a teaching kitchen there, a doctor's office visits, et cetera, et cetera. And then we have taste and flavor, which is a game changer, uh, and how to influence taste and flavor and how to identify someone's food palette. And then, then we start the 10 courses on a specific food. So fruits and vegetables are in term one. And then at the end of that, and you're your first client, you are journey, you are making these changes as you go along. Then you are able to get into term two once you finish term one. And what we have there are grains and, uh, sodium, uh, uh, vegetable sources of protein and one other one that I'm blanking on, I right at the, oh, fats and Oils. There you go. And then the last one is about beverages and sugar and dairy and animal sources of protein. So I have studied for the last 15 years a scientific method that really works, which is a modular delivery system. And if you've listened to me before, you, you appreciate that telling someone you need a healthy diet is asking 'em to do too many things at once. So as long as you break it up into each individual module, each individual course, it's the reason I'm teaching the course the way I am. And it's the way to show you how to teach others how to make behavioral changes, dietary changes in their lives as well. And then, um, motivational interviewing. You are gonna be doing, um, practice all along the way. You are able to have access to a free class every week. It's offered almost every day of the week. So there's a lot of opportunity here.
Deb Kennedy, PhD

Deb Kennedy, PhD

PhD Nutritionist