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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, January 09, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



Can you put potato peelings in your veggie stock? Is there anything off-limits?

— Janet Batchelder


There's a lot that's off limits. That's a good question. Janet potato peelings are probably not the best thing to put in a veg stock because uh, as you notice on your cutting board, you'll kind of get that white, um, starch that basically comes off and that'll actually happen in your veg stock as well. So you end up with a really kind of a starchy stock. Um, so anything off limits? Yes, and that's really aromatic things. So herbs you're typically not going to put into them, you know, so like dill, you know, stems and cilantro stems, stuff like that. I typically wouldn't put garlic, I wouldn't put into it as well. Um, tomatoes are kind of on the border. I wouldn't put too much, but if, like we said earlier, if you're just doing some, you know, you have just the ends of something you're doing in a dice, that's okay. Um, but think like not nothing that's too, you know, uh, over the top, like beets is probably another one too. Like don't put your beet skins into 'em 'cause it's gonna just turn everything pink. Um, and kind of think of those things that would overpower all the other kind of flavorful hints that you would get into those. Um, you know, your basic meis is usually what's in a veg stock, which is, uh, you know, your cellar, your carrots and your onion. So that's kind of as your base now you can build out from that. So I'll typically put like, um, you know, red, yellow pepper, um, you know, Coors and tops into my stock as well. Um, you know, I might put a bay leaf to be able to just add a little bit of flavor into it as well. But like if I'm doing something like a, like a jackfruit, um, like tortilla soup, I might actually do the cilantro stems and do it as well, but that's only if I'm, I know I'm gonna use that stock for that specific soup or a certain style of that as well. But yeah, just avoid the really, really potent, flavorful things or things that will completely discolor or starchy things like your potato peelings.
Dan Marek

Dan Marek

Director of Plant-Based Culinary & Dev