Knowledge Base > Fran Costigan - Real Talk on Recipe Testing

Fran Costigan - Real Talk on Recipe Testing
This event was on
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 1:00 pm Pacific, 4:00 pm Eastern
What steps are necessary to develop and deliver recipes that consistently yield successful and reproducible results for your audience, whether that is family, friends, followers, cli… Read More.

Can you explain how you make your own recipes? What are the aspects that we have to focus on?
— Maulana Yusuf
Well, I think I get an idea for something that I miss eating or saw in a restaurant or in a shop, and I want to recreate it. And so the aspects I have to focus on are, will this recipe be able to be made with ingredients that aren't exotic? Will the ingredients be readily available for people? Can this, depending on who I'm doing it for, if I'm working as a consultant. Last year I was creating recipes for a whole food plant-based, no oil company. And there was a very specific list of ingredients I could use, couldn't use. And if I'm doing something for a restaurant, then I might be using professional equipment, but I tend to test all of my recipes in a conve with conventional equipment so that they can be replicated easily. So, take a look at the recipe, at the recipe testing doc that's part of this event, and it's going to really show you what are the aspects you have to focus on.