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Fran Costigan - Real Talk on Recipe Testing
What steps are necessary to develop and deliver recipes that consistently yield successful and reproducible results for your audience, whether that is family, friends, followers, clients?
Get a notebook and a scale and begin with a reliable recipe. Observe carefully and then you can develop your own showstoppers!
Join Chef Fran Costigan, Rouxbe Director of Vegan Pastry for an informative event with many takeaways for success.
About Fran Costigan

Fran Costigan is internationally renowned as the authority on vegan desserts. Trained at the New York Restaurant School and Natural Gourmet Institute, Fran was a chef in both traditional and vegan pastry kitchens before moving into teaching over 20 years ago. A lifelong chocoholic and long time vegan, Fran’s latest book, Vegan Chocolate: Unapologetically Luscious and Decadent Dairy Free Desserts, (Running Press 2013) is for all who madly, deeply love chocolate desserts, whether or not dietary considerations are an issue.
Her previous cookbook, More Great Good Dairy-Free Desserts Naturally (Book Publishing Company 2006) is the basis of the Costigan Vegan Baking Boot Camp Intensive®.
For more information, www.francostigan.com.

Tuesday, May 14th
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Related Video FAQs:
- Do you have a recipe for a crisp peanut butter cookie. I have tried about 10 and I cannot get a crisp cookie.
- Can you give advice on how to choose what egg substitute to use when trying to veganize a recipe that calls for eggs?
- I’m currently a volunteer recipe tester for America’s Test Kitchen. Do you know of places where I could get experience doing plant based recipe testing?
- Is it possible to use solidified extra virgin olive oil in the place of solid fats such as nut butters and coconut butter?
- What sweetener should be avoided if you have cancer? I know, processed white sugar, but I use maple syrup, agave, dates, date sugar, coconut sugar and xylitol.
- Hi Fran, I was looking at your recipe for buttercream frosting (which looks fabulous) and I wonder how to store the unused portion. Thanks so much!!
- How can I keep my farro from becoming gummy when I cook it?
- I like a little spiciness in my food, but I find when recipes ask for hot peppers, or chipotle, the amount is overwhelmingly hot for me. How much should I start with to make it palatable?
- How do you make a really good Chia pudding? I've tried several recipes but none except for a chocolate one. I'd especially like a good one for fruits (berries).
- Can you go through your process of using fresh herbs--the order of washing, how to dry, chop? Are there some herbs that should be torn instead of chopped? Do you maintain an herb garden? Indoors/outdoors?
- After making a recipe, if it needs improvement, can it be “fixed” so that it isn’t wasted? Is there a procedure for this?
- I have noticed a lot of WFPB recipes call for vegan butter, and I typically do not buy any due to trying to avoid processed/sat fat. What do you recommend in place of this?
- I am sure you have explained before the reasons you prefer maple syrup over of agave syrup, but, can you explain it once again?
- Can you explain how you make your own recipes? What are the aspects that we have to focus on?
- Is it necessary to have formal academic training to become a recipe developer, or can someone who is very experienced, but without formal training, also be a full-scale developer?
- What are your thoughts about using tahine as the “fat source” for making vegan biscuits? Should the tahine be chilled?
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