Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter

Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter
This event was on
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Root vegetables are the star of cold-weather cooking; hearty standbys that are in peak season now.
Join Barton Seaver to explore this versatile category and discover some fresh i… Read More.

What herbs do go great with winter root vegetable?
— maria cardenas
Really basically all of them other than I would say basil basil. I just found tends to draw out that bitterness but cilantro, especially a cilantro almond pesto with roasted root vegetables is incredible Dill brings a very cool spice to it with sort of allows the roasted root vegetable to be the warm sensuous soft sort of welcoming flavor in a dish. So it's a nice sort of contrast there between those I I love me cement. I love me some mint. I love me and mint a lot. I put mint in everything that that nice sort of spiciness to the mint goes away when in encounters sweetness and really just blooms the Aromas of root vegetables parsley, of course is amazing and when you get into the hard herbs, so all of those I've spoken of are the softerbs. as opposed to time Rosemary Savory, you know if you will that will Where you don't use the stem basically hard herbs that can be added and and removed. I love Rosemary with roasted root vegetables. I mean, it's just that super sensuous woodsy seductive rustic smell of Rosemary is so wonderful with the sweetness of root vegetables time time to me is like the the James Dean on his best behavior of herbs like it's just Too cool, you know that's just it's just like and every party is better with time when time shows up. It's what I got to say about that winter savory is another one that works really well. Oregano. I have found maybe might be another herb that that doesn't work. So well and I actually think oregano and basil are very similar in the way that I taste and experienced them not necessarily in flavor, but just in the way that they kind of impact a dish and so I tend to stick away from oregano. Of course oregano with potatoes. It was wonderful, but with the sweeter vegetables, I tend not to find that.