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Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter
Root vegetables are the star of cold-weather cooking; hearty standbys that are in peak season now.
Join Barton Seaver to explore this versatile category and discover some fresh ideas to keep your cooking lively. We’ll discuss the wide variety of root vegetables and their preparations.
As always bring your appetite and questions.
About Barton Seaver

Barton Seaver is one of the world’s leading sustainable seafood experts and educators. He traded his illustrious career as an award-winning chef leading top seafood restaurants, DC, for traveling the world as an Explorer with the National Geographic Society. Barton translated his experiences into leadership in sustainable seafood innovations, garnering him positions with the United States Culinary Ambassador Corp, the University of New England, the New England Aquarium, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Barton works on initiatives to inform consumers and institutions about how our choices for diet and menus can promote healthier people, resillient ecosystems, more secure food supplies, and thriving communities.
An internationally recognized speaker, Barton has delivered lectures, seminars, and demos to a multitude of audiences. He has written seven seafood-centric books, including For Cod and Country and American Seafood and has contributed to dozens of publications, including Cooking Light, The New York Times, and Saveur, among many others. He has appeared on 60 Minutes, CNN, NPR, 20/20 and the TED Talk stage.
He is the founder of Coastal Culinary Academy, a multi-platform initiative that seeks to increase seafood consumption through seafood-specific culinary education for all levels of cooks.
Tuesday, February 15th
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Related Video FAQs:
- What vegetables are trending to become staple items in health conscious and convenience focused households in 2022?
- Your thoughts on prepping portobello mushrooms?
- I'm trying to reduce oils/butter in my diet and stick to more whole food fats, however, I find it challenging to get a nice evenly roasted veg without the oil...any suggestions?
- I was wondering what your experience is with Irish Sea Moss. How do you use it? And is it a good binding or thickening agent?
- What are some good books to read and review to improve the skills that any home cook has in cooking with Root vegetables?
- If you want to grill vegetables on a grill, what can I substitute for oil?
- Can you please talk about the difference in flavor/ uses for table salt, kosher salt, and sea salt?
- Which root vegetables are convenient for growing inside a small condo and what kind of lighting is needed?
- Onions,...what onion to choose when cooking with them?
- What can I cook with root veggies to help temper the "rooty" earthy taste?
- Your carrot top pesto w/pecans sounds amazing, would you still add a herb and just make as you would a basil pesto?
- Do you keep the tops on root vegetables during storage in the refrigerator? Or, would it be better to take them off and store them until time to use?
- Can you share some easy peeling techniques for root veggies, ie celery root?
- What brought you to be passionate about and specialized in seafood and to want to promote its consumption?
- How can you make vegetables last longer in the fridge?
- What actually constitutes a root vegetable, as many don’t grow under the ground. A turnip is a root, yet a kohlrabi is a stem and they grow almost the same. Also, are the greens uniformly edible?
- What is the best way to cook Yuca and ñame?
- Can you share flavour profile ideas to transform sweet root veg into more savoury, nonsweet dishes?
- When roasting root vegetables what are the effects of using butter vs extra virgin oil vs avocado oil vs coconut oil vs flavored oil vs canola oil vs a combination of butter & oil? Is it all about the oven temperature or is there more to understand?
- I usually have beet juice after simmering them in a little water - any tips for using it in a dish?
- What herbs do go great with winter root vegetable?
- When not cooking with oil, how do I prevent roasted vegetables from turning grey? Especially golden beets. And how do I get the nice crispy crust without using oil?
- What spices or method of preparation do you recommend to make root vegetables tasty and flavorful?
- What can I store together and what root vegetables should not be stored together?
- What is the best option for storing root vegetables?
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