Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter

Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter
This event was on
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Root vegetables are the star of cold-weather cooking; hearty standbys that are in peak season now.
Join Barton Seaver to explore this versatile category and discover some fresh i… Read More.

Do you keep the tops on root vegetables during storage in the refrigerator? Or, would it be better to take them off and store them until time to use?
— Vicki Storberg
The greens are probably going to draw moisture off of your root. as they willed And those greens are going to wilt a lot faster because greens are not meant to keep right and the root is meant to serve the needs of the greens. To some extent so I would say yes separate them in the fridge and keep them and you can keep them together but separated would probably give you a little bit more time. I don't know anybody that sellers root vegetables with their top Zone if that tells you anything mostly because the greens would go bad before the root Edgewood and I imagine that they would have some impact on each other. So there you go. Not a scientific answer anecdotal and guesstimation, but I think probably accurate. Yeah, maybe thanks. Appreciate you. All right.