Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter

Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter
This event was on
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Root vegetables are the star of cold-weather cooking; hearty standbys that are in peak season now.
Join Barton Seaver to explore this versatile category and discover some fresh i… Read More.

I usually have beet juice after simmering them in a little water - any tips for using it in a dish?
— Teri Blouin
I mean, you know, I've never thought about that usually because when I boil beets I season the water with salt well enough that that it would be saltier than then would be useful. Hmm. I certainly you could just freeze it and and use it as sort of build it up and use it as the base for a borscht soup. You've got a natural beat stock there. You could add it to a vegetable stock or whatever. It would obviously color everything it touches quite red. But borsche soup is really wonderful even without the beef and and all the meat additives that are typically in it, but a vegetarian borscht is wonderful. Let's see what else you could add a few tablespoons of it to creamy spread whether using a nut cheese, you know, whatever a nut cream or something like that. Hey add it to your smoothies too. You got a good nutrition in there and it's a great flavor. It's nice and sweet and to bitterness to the backside. So there you go. Hope that works and if you don't have too much of it, you could even reduce it down till it's sort of a thick beat syrup if you will and then make a vinaigrette out of that just simply some lemon juice a little bit of salt maybe some nut oil walnut oil with that would be killer Sherry vinegar or lemon juice would be really wonderful don't reduce it down till it burns obviously, but get it down to sort of a thick warm molasses like consistency and you'll have a whoa, you'll have a punch in the face of beat flavor, which would be really wonderful then drizzle over your Beats or anything else. You're eating. There you go.