Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter

Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter
This event was on
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Root vegetables are the star of cold-weather cooking; hearty standbys that are in peak season now.
Join Barton Seaver to explore this versatile category and discover some fresh i… Read More.

What vegetables are trending to become staple items in health conscious and convenience focused households in 2022?
— Lylia Alkhatib
Okay, interesting turmeric certainly that seems to be all over Instagram these days. I try not to be all over Instagram, but it is a Necessary evil, I guess of my life. So turmeric certainly one of them Ginger You know root vegetables that have long been used in cultures and Cuisines all over the world in an ayurvedic Cuisine specifically for reducing all sorts of inflammation as well as stress anxiety calming the nerves Etc. So onto your second question there they sort of covid stress and anxiety. A diet that has those included in it Ginger and turmeric is certainly maybe gets you on that course, but I think really overall the things that we need to reduce stress and covid stress and anxiety in our lives is maybe just taking a moment. over that cutting board whenever you're preparing whatever health conscious thing you are to just be grateful for that food that's in front of you and for your ability to feed others to love them to perform that active kindness that is feeding other people.