Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter

Barton Seaver - The Root of the Matter
This event was on
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Root vegetables are the star of cold-weather cooking; hearty standbys that are in peak season now.
Join Barton Seaver to explore this versatile category and discover some fresh i… Read More.

Your thoughts on prepping portobello mushrooms?
— Jay Lawson
Okay. Yep, I would say that's right sort of the the more active layers or where a lot of the Just a physiological processes are happening especially with onions also in the peels. We know that most of their nutrition in Apple's carrots Etc rely in those peels or just there under in the skin and those first layers. So that's one of the reasons why I keep appeals on and most root vegetables that I'm cooking and also you ask my thoughts on prepping portobello mushrooms. Sure. I actually haven't cooked a portobello mushroom in a long time because I came up in professional kitchens when Vegetarian Cuisine meant they portabella mushroom on the grill served over mashed potatoes with the side of broccoli. And that was it. That was the vegetarian plate. I and I just got so tired of that as I imagine most vegetarians did but you know what they're really really delicious and I love that dish actually just marinade of garlic olive oil thyme salt pepper put that on for a couple of hours it draws out some of that moisture which you want to sort of Wick away from the portabella. So then you grill it saute it broil it Etc. You can get a little bit of charred crust and C or to it get some coloration. So I would suggest that and I like to keep them whole because when I saute them when I slice them up the gills the the bottom side of it the dark part. I I think it's distractingly sort of murky. Yeah, like when you eat them whole it all stays together, but when I saute them, I found that sort of that juice kind of runs off and and just kind of creates this really dark Uzi. That I just don't love there's nothing wrong with it. Certainly. I mean, it's it tastes good and it's fine. I just I like to certain hole. It's kind of fun to do the knife and fork thing on them. So, but Woody herbs route Savory time Rosemary work just grievously well with portobello mushrooms fresh herb salads over top to end them as I was saying earlier, like parsley mint and mushrooms go really well together. So parsley and mint mixed together with some very thinly shaved red onion or shallots served as a salad over top would be really wonderful.