Knowledge Base > Deb Kennedy, PhD - Give Yourself a Break

Deb Kennedy, PhD - Give Yourself a Break
This event was on
Thursday, December 05, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Are you tired of setting ambitious New Year’s food goals only to feel discouraged when they fall apart?
Join Dr. Deb for a live event where she will teach you her scientific approa… Read More.

I need a few suggestions for lunches in a non-vegan household where I will be staying as guest. I do have full use of the kitchen. What is a knock-your-socks-off idea to show family we eat delicious?
— Marcia Damoiseaux
I would do those Swedish sandwiches, um, where you just have a piece of toast and on top of it you coterie board and Marc that will blow their minds. And on that charcuterie board you have these different types of breads or peta or lavage, but then you have to spread, you've got your hummus, your baba ganus, um, maybe some red peppers, some ground up red pepper. And then you have other different options, olives, uh, nuts, lettuce, uh, pickled onions. Um, I don't know if you are a total vegan, if you're a total vegan, you wouldn't do like the smoked salmon or something like that, but wow them with what that charcuterie board looks like and just tell 'em to build it themselves. I find when you give people a choice, they tend to like it more than, than putting something in front of 'em. They're more resistant to trying something new.