Knowledge Base > Barton Seaver - Great Grains!
Barton Seaver - Great Grains!
This event was on
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 2:00 pm Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern
Join Chef Barton Seaver to discuss the wide world of grains – from barley and corn to quinoa and winter wheat berries, and everything in between. Whole grains offer great health bene… Read More.
What is considered the most nutritious grain?
— Karen Lagerson
The one you're eating You know, I mean, I honestly they're all so good for us the whole grains. They're all so good for us. They have varying amounts of protein and fiber and all the other things and phytonutrients and Vitamin B and all that but bottom line is really the grain that you want to put into your face is the one that's going to be healthiest for you. So if you develop a you know affinity for buckwheat and that's just your thing great. There. It is. In fact Buck. We sometimes is mentioned as the most nutritious of them. Quinoa is often mentioned though. It is not a whole grain. It is treated like such in our culinary cultures. So that is one of the few food only plant-based foods that has all three amino acids making it a complete protein so that you don't need to mix say beans with your rice as you do to have to get to a full protein there. Quinoa is a plant-based source of that. So sometimes you can sort of consider it that way that it is the most nutritious but really this is sort of not a category of superlatives or competition here because it is overwhelmingly so good for us that it is overwhelmingly sort of cheap or inexpensive way to get a lot of great nutrition into our diets and really provide a bulk of our diets. So yeah. I would say it's similar to fruits and vegetables. They all have slightly different. Components to them so mix it up. Don't eat the same one. You ate all last week unless you really love one and eat that instead of right white rice and then one. Yeah, if you fall in love with one and that's that's your main one, but please experiment with it diversity is the Cornerstone of sustainability. It's the Cornerstone of health. So eat diversely eat richly and you don't have to be rich in order to do that with whole grains.