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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Ken Rubin - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Ken Rubin in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



I follow the 50/50 plate method and am confused about the starch side of the plate. Do I need to pick 1 tuber + 1 starchy veggie + 1 grain + 1 legume for every meal? Or just pick one type of starch ?

— Tokie Williams


So I would say you know when you think about Potato or sweet potato, you know, those are tubers. They're all so starchy vegetables. I wouldn't go if you're trying to have like this 50/50 plate mix I wouldn't go too high on the starch. I would say that you're better bet is to probably have you know, the starchy vegetable a grain green vegetables certainly just any other vegetables that are not starchy style vegetables leafy greens in particular cruciferous vegetables. These sorts of things would be really really good to add. I would you know, probably also check with your Health Care Professionals. If you're eating a certain way for a certain type of dietary or medical outcome. That's something to also very much consider in your choices. You want to make sure you know, no matter what that you're eating a wide variety of foods throughout the day throughout the week. And not just the same two three four things on your plate. That's going to help you. Number one. Just feeling more satisfied from your food, but also will help ensure that you're getting the variety of of, you know, macro micronutrients that you need, but certainly, you know this approach, you know tends to work well for people who are just trying to build a plate knowing that they have Kind of a formula. Let's call it that they can follow where they know that they have to have a certain part of their plate filled up with whole grains and with a leafy greens or other vegetables and then starchy starchy vegetables.
Ken Rubin

Ken Rubin

Chief Operating Officer