Recipes > Springtime Watercress and Pea Soup

Delicate peas and watercress adorn a rich and flavorful chicken broth.
Kimberley Slobodian
- Serves: 4
- Active Time: 15 mins
- Total Time: 15 mins
- Views: 35,726
- Success Rating: 95% (?)
In a large pot, bring the chicken broth to a simmer over medium to medium-high heat. Taste the broth for seasoning and adjust with salt.
To prepare the soup, add the peas to the broth and simmer until just tender, about 3 minutes or so.
In the mean time, divide the watercress among 4 warm bowls. Ladle the hot broth over top. Serve immediately with shaved Parmesan cheese over top.
Chef's Notes
- by Kimberley Slobodian
- •
- March 31, 2009
This soup was quite beautiful in its finished form. My chicken broth was nice and clear so the peas and watercress looked so pretty floating in it. I added pre-made cheese tortellini as I was serving this for dinner. Very good!
Rouxbe Staff
Hi Sunnie: Oh, that sounds divine. The broth was a good and flavorful base for your cheese tortellini and I imagine that it was a very beautiful, finished dish. Thanks for sharing. -Char