Recipes > Kirs



Commonly served in France, these Kir apéritifs date back to the middle of the 19th century.
  • Serves: 1
  • Active Time: 2 mins
  • Total Time: 2 mins
  • Views: 39,198
  • Success Rating: 90% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: How to Make Kir Royale

How to Make Kir Royale
  • 1 part Crème de Cassis (or any other blackcurrant flavored concentrate)
  • 5 parts champagne (or sparkling wine)
  • lemon zest (optional)


A Kir Royale is simple to make. Just mix about 1 part crème de cassis and 5 parts champagne or sparkling wine into a glass flute.

A strip of lemon zest is optional, but it does add a nice subtle twist.

Step 2: How to Make Kir

How to Make Kir
  • Crème de Cassis (or any other blackcurrant flavored concentrate)
  • dry white wine


To make Kir, it is basically the same thing as a Kir Royale; however, it is made with dry white wine instead of champagne.

In a wine glass, pour about a teaspoon of crème de cassis, and then add your favorite dry white wine.

Step 3: How to Make Kir Cardinale

How to Make Kir Cardinale
  • Crème de Cassis (or any other blackcurrant flavored concentrate)
  • red wine


Kir Cardinale, also known as Kir Communard, is crème de cassis served with a light-weight red wine. Simply mix about a teaspoon of crème de cassis with your favorite, light-weight red wine.

Step 4: How to Make Pernod

How to Make Pernod
  • 1 oz Pernod
  • water (optional and to taste)
  • ice (optional and to taste)


Another common apéritif in France is Pernod, which has a beautiful anise or licorice flavor.

To prepare this drink, simply add an ounce of Pernod to a glass. Adding water and ice is optional, so add as much as desired.

Chef's Notes

When serving Kir Royale, make sure to use champagne glasses. These glasses are designed to expose the least surface area so the bubbles are contained within the glass and last longer.

Kir Cardinale is named for the red of a cardinal’s or bishop’s coat.


  • Guillaume I
    Guillaume I
    I always have a bottle of cassis and pernod in my liquer cabinet. This is the first time that I hear about the kir cardinale. Will definitely give it a try soon. Thanks.
  • Cancelled
    I'm glad to see traditional drink recipes on Rouxbe. Thanks!
  • Chris O
    Chris O
    I live in SW France so the 'recipe' for Kir is engraved on my forehead. :) Purists might like to know that a traditional Kir should be made with white burgundy, specifically Bourgogne Aligoté. My favourite is a Kir Royal (also good made with raspberry liqueur) and that's what will be served to my guests on Saturday. PS This is my first post (having lurked for a couple of weeks) and I would just like to compliment you on, and thank you for, a superb site that has already given me loads of tips.
  • Romeo G
    Romeo G
    do we have any recipe for italian punch??
  • Dawn T
    Dawn T
    Currently we do not have any recipes for Italian punch, you may want to do a google search for this. Cheers!

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