Recipes > The Lucky Irishman
This cocktail couldn't be simpler. Baileys Irish Cream and Jameson Whiskey - Irish of course! Pour the two over ice and voila!
Dawn Thomas
- Serves: 1
- Active Time: 2 mins
- Total Time: 2 mins
- Views: 467,205
- Success Rating: 100% (?)
Chef's Notes
- by Dawn Thomas
- •
- October 20, 2009
This is one of my favorite drinks. I was first introduced to this Irish drink, by my friend Leah Nesbitt, way back when we were in culinary school together. I still think of her every time I drink one.
I thought this recipe had coffee in it. This is a common drink in San Francisco and I've always had it with coffee, The recipe clearly says there is none, I'm shocked, is this a mistake?
Good question Brenda, since this particular cocktail doesn't contain coffee — though there are many similar versions that do — I have changed the name (to be honest, I am not sure why the word "coffee" was in the title in the first place — maybe I had had too many when I entered the recipe...ha ha!). Cheers!
There is a drink called a "hot nutty irish". It does have coffee but also adds some amaretto. True "Irish" coffee combines whiskey and coffee as a stand alone.
I know that this is 4yrs after the fact, but there's also an amazing hot coffee drink called a Nutty Irishman, one cup of coffee with equal pours of Bailey's Irish Cream and Frangelica, 1 to 1 1/2 ounce each, topped with fresh whipped cream... yummy!
I made it with Jameson and Baileys pumkin spice sipping on it now and it tastes like eggnog with about 1oz james and 1/2 ish of baileys
This is my first comment and the first recipe I am trying out on Rouxbe as a new member! Glad to say I struck gold since both Baileys and Whiskey was in the liquor cupboard and I found an icetray after looking for it so this evening I am enjoying a Lucky Irishman. Cheers!
I feel like this recipe needs a video instructional... I love Rouxbe !!!!
Aw, man. I legit thought I invited this recipe like 15 years ago because I had never seen it before! HA My mom is not a drinker and she kept coughing and this was the only way I could convince her to drink some whiskey. I just dumped some Bailey's into some Jameson to make it a bit, I guess one could call it smoother? I thought I was a genius because I had never seen it before and I called it the Berky at the Shamrock Club of Columbus. Proven wrong once again. Lol Dang! I figured it wasn't likely. Too simple and delicious.