Recipes > Roasted Red Peppers | Spanish Pimientos

Roasted Red Peppers | Spanish Pimientos


Roasted with quality, extra-virgin olive oil and seasoned with Maldon salt, these sweet, red peppers are simply divine.
  • Serves: 4 to 6
  • Active Time: 45 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hr 10 mins
  • Views: 99,234
  • Success Rating: 100% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: Roasting the Peppers

Roasting the Peppers
  • 5 or 6 large red peppers or Piquillo peppers


First preheat the broiler to high (or char over a gas flame).

Place the peppers* (see note below) onto a tray lined with foil. Broil each side until blistered and blackened, turning as necessary.

Once done, place into a bowl and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Let sit for about 10 minutes. This will help the peppers to sweat and their skins will loosen.

Step 2: Peeling the Peppers

Peeling the Peppers


Once the skins have loosened, let the peppers cool until you can handle them.

Place a strainer over a bowl. Peel the skin from the peppers over the strainer to capture the seeds while allowing any juices from the peppers to drain through.

Set the peppers aside and reserve the strained juices.

Step 3: Preparing the Peppers

Preparing the Peppers
  • 2 to 4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • Maldon salt (to taste)*


Preheat your oven to 450° F (230° C).

Cut the peppers into large pieces (or tear them along their natural seams). Lay the peppers into a baking dish. You can overlap them a bit but try to keep them quite flat.

Pour the reserved pepper juice over top, followed by a a good drizzle of olive oil. Season well with Maldon salt.

Note: Other quality salts such as fleur de sel can be used to season these peppers. Maldon salt just gives these peppers a nice, clean and subtle burst of salt.

Step 4: Baking the Peppers

Baking the Peppers


Transfer the peppers to the oven and bake for approximately 20 minutes, until heated through and starting to lightly brown.

Remove from the oven and serve. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.


  • Art P
    Art P
    Where's the pimientos? I didn't see any in the receipe. Thx, Art
  • Dawn T
    Dawn T
    For this recipe we used red bell peppers which are similar to pimientos. For more information on pimientos (also spelled pimentos) here are a couple of links.
  • Francisco R
    Francisco R
    what you ate in Spain are probably cooked the same way.The differEnce can be the kind of peppers.Usually in that part of Spain they use peppers called Pimientos del Piquillo.Try to find them.They are superb!
  • Juan jesus R
    Juan jesus R
    Thank you very much for this "Tolosa Way" pimientos recipe, delicious! We normally make pimientos at home greasing pimientos with extra virgin olive oil and roasting. After cooling, peeling and cutting, season Mediterranean style (salt, extra virgin oil, Jerez vinegar) and ready! (For garlic lovers you can add a chopped glove of garlic) of course you must add any strained pepper's juices to them. They taste even better after resting a few hours. ¡Que aproveche!
  • Juan jesus R
    Juan jesus R
    Pimiento Piquillo is a smaller type of pimiento typical from the Navarra region in Spain. They are protected under a D.O Have a look to this link (available in English/French).
  • Rebecca B
    Rebecca B
    I made the slow roasted tomatoes last week to use with 2 other different Rouxbe recipes. If I remember, the roasted tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator to up to 30 days if covered with olive oil. (Mine didn't make it through the week though, because they were so good). Is this also the case with the roasted red bell peppers? If so, is it safe to strain the remaining olive to be re-used for making and storing subsequent batches of the same item (tomato oil for tomatoes and pepper oil for the next batch of peppers) ?
  • Ken R Rouxbe Staff
    Ken R
    Hi Rebecca- Oils have long been a way to preserve vegetables, garlic, and herbs, so it is generally very safe - but not always. Tomatoes are acidic enough to be safe for extended refrigerated storage, whereas peppers carry some risk. Peppers and other low acid foods can be a source of Clostridium botulinum bacteria - which causes botulism, a potentially deadly food borne illness. Oil’s oxygen-free environment is perfect for growth of this bacteria. I'd store these for just a few days in the refrigerator and not re-use oil. Also, so you know, commercially packaged vegetables in oil are acidified to bring the pH down and render it much safer from botulism. I hope this helps!
  • Rebecca B
    Rebecca B
    I don't want botulism. I won't reuse olive oil or try to hold roasted red peppers in oil in the fridge. Thanks
  • Robert M
    Robert M
    Can they be frozen without loss of texture or structure?
  • Char N Rouxbe Staff
    Char N
    Hello Robert M.-- thanks for writing. The answer is yes. However, once the peppers have totally cooled, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the cooked peppers on the pan, and flash freeze them for about an hour. Remove, and then place them in a freezer storage bag or container. This way, you can easily grab the amount you need. Recommended to last 4-6 months. Enjoy. -Cheers, Char
  • Jack R
    Jack R
    couldd i add spices when roasting and if so wqhat spices and many in teaspoons x
  • Char N Rouxbe Staff
    Char N
    Hi Jack: my suggestion would be to follow the recipe as it is posted, to savor the richness of the roasted peppers--from my experience with this recipe, the flavors are amazing and can layer any dish well. If you decide to add additional spices, go at it, and have fun! Season to your liking. Cheers, Char
  • Riaz M
    Riaz M
    is it possible to roast these peppers at 180c fan as i want to have them with the greek chicken?
  • Eric W Rouxbe Staff
    Eric W
    Hi Riaz, yes, it's possible to roast peppers this way. Give it a try! And, keep an eye on the peppers to avoid burning. ~Eric
  • Maritza A
    Maritza A
    I'm trying to avoid added oils in my WFPB lifestyle. Can the peppers be roasted without oil or is there a substitute to the oil?
  • Char N Rouxbe Staff
    Char N
    Hi Maritza-- I never roast with oil--the moisture of the peppers will caramelize the peppers well. And, they will taste delicious. Thanks, Char

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