Recipes > Steamed Potatoes w/ Roasted Red Pepper & Chilies

Steamed Potatoes W/ Roasted Red Pepper & Chilies


Steamed baby potatoes are garnished with roasted red pepper and red chilies.
  • Serves: 4 to 6
  • Active Time: 45 mins
  • Total Time: 45 mins
  • Views: 26,779
  • Success Rating: 100% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: Steaming the Potatoes

Steaming the Potatoes
  • 1 1/2 lb baby potatoes
  • pinch of sea salt


Set up a steamer. Fill with one inch of water and place over medium-high heat. Refer to the lessons on Steaming for more information, if necessary.

For even cooking, make sure to buy potatoes that are all relatively the same size. Wash the potatoes and place into the steaming basket. Sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt. Once the water is simmering, place the basket over the pot and cover with a lid. Steam until tender and cooked through, about 20 minutes or so.

Step 2: Dressing the Potatoes

Dressing the Potatoes
  • 1/2 cup roasted red peppers
  • 1/2 tsp red chili flakes (or to taste)
  • sea salt, to taste
  • freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • extra-virgin olive oil (for finishing)


While the potatoes are steaming, finely dice the roasted red peppers. To make your own roasted red peppers, follow Steps 1 and 2 from this recipe on Roasted Red Peppers.

Once the potatoes are cooked through, remove them from the steaming basket and place into a large bowl. Add the roasted red pepper, chili flakes and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste and toss to coat. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve.


  • Amanda T
    Amanda T
    these are so gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
  • Sheridan C
    Sheridan C
    I used Fingerling potatoes, as the grocery did not have Baby potatoes, therefore, I got the opportunity to learn they are so many varieties of potatoes. The Fingerling potatoes were larger and therefore, had a larger bland flavor paired to the red peppers. Next time, I can cut the Fingerlings to a smaller size to obtain a balance between the flavors.

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