Recipes > Steamed Eggs w/ Polenta, Sausage & Roasted Red Peppers

Steamed Eggs W/ Polenta, Sausage & Roasted Red Peppers


For a fancy breakfast or brunch, try steamed eggs with polenta, sausage and roasted red peppers.
  • Serves: 4
  • Active Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 20 mins
  • Views: 33,684
  • Success Rating: 80% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: Preparing the Eggs

Preparing the Eggs
  • unsalted butter or oil for coating the ramekins
  • 1/2 cup soft polenta (approx.)
  • 1/4 cup cooked sausage
  • 1/4 cup roasted red peppers
  • 4 large eggs
  • kosher salt (to taste)


Set up a steamer. Fill with one inch of water and place over medium-high heat. Refer to the lessons on Steaming for more information, if necessary.

Gather four small ramekins and coat the inside of each with a thin layer of fat. Spoon about 2 tablespoons of soft polenta into the bottom of each ramekin. Divide the sausage and roasted red peppers between the ramekins. Crack an egg over top. Season with a pinch of salt.

Cover each ramekin with foil and transfer to the steaming basket.

Step 2: Steaming the Eggs & Serving

Steaming the Eggs & Serving
  • 1/4 cup tomato sauce (approx.)
  • 4 fresh basil leaves
  • extra-virgin olive oil (for finishing)
  • ground black pepper (to taste)


To steam the eggs, transfer the steaming basket over the simmering water and cover. Steam the eggs for approximately 10 to 15 minutes or to the desired doneness.

In the meantime, heat the tomato sauce and gather the basil. Once the eggs are done, top each egg with a tablespoon of tomato sauce. Season to taste with pepper. Garnish each egg with a fresh basil leaf, drizzle with a touch of olive oil and serve.


  • Valerie L
    Valerie L
    To get soft Polenta, does the Polenta have to be cook or can I buy it soft?
  • Dawn T
    Dawn T
    Soft polenta is not something that you can buy, at least not that I know of — you will need to make the polenta, using about a 6:1 ratio of liquid to cornmeal (here is a recipe for soft polenta, but for more information on that, be sure to watch the lesson on "How to Make Polenta"). And for the record, when it comes to polenta, we always recommend making it as it is just sooooo much better!.
  • Sunnie S
    Sunnie S
    I found this recipe a bit frustrating, but I'm sure that the issue is me doing something wrong and not the instructions. My eggs were cooking at different times (pretty drastically different times). My steamer basket will allow for 3 ramekins. The water below remained between a simmer and boil the entire time, however, in the first batch a few of the eggs were overcooked at 15 minutes, while the 3rd egg was perfectly cooked. In my second batch, 2 eggs took closer to 18 minutes to cook correctly and the 3rd took closer to 20 minutes. The only thing I can think of is that the amount of filling (polenta, sausage, pepper) varied slightly from ramekin to ramekin and the ones that were slightly fuller than the others took longer to cook? Or, perhaps 3 ramekins is too many in my basket? I am planning on trying a plain steamed egg next; hopefully that will provide some clarity on cooking times. I used the Rouxbe soft polenta and tomato sauce recipes and the flavor in this dish was fantastic, however, texturally, this is a soft dish. I wish I had made a toast points (or something along those lines) to provide a bit of a crisp contrast.
  • Eric W Rouxbe Staff
    Eric W
    Sunnie, Yes, I think you're on the right track for troubleshooting the uneven cooking. Differing quantities of food in the ramekins will affect cooking time. Eric

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