Recipes > Brine Solution

Brine Solution


To get the correct culture within your krauts, it's important to ensure your ratio of salt and water is correct.
  • Serves: 1 cup
  • Active Time: 45 mins
  • Total Time: 45 mins
  • Views: 72,456
  • Success Rating: 0% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: Preparing the Brine

Preparing the Brine
  • 30 g salt per L water (or 1 oz salt per qt) for a 3% solution
  • 50 g salt per L water (or 1 1/4 oz salt per qt) for a 5% solution


Heat water in a non–reactive pan, add salt, and stir until dissolved. Cool thoroughly before using.

The 5% solution is perfect for most fermenting applications, whereas the 3% is less salty and will help encourage a faster ferment.

Brine solution is used when a bit of extra liquid is needed to keep the ferment submerged to anaerobic fermentation.

Chef's Notes

If you don’t need a full liter of brine solution, use either 2 tsp per cup for a 3% solution or 3 tsp per cup for a 5% solution.


  • Richard J
    Richard J
    I just got a salinity meter for checking our pool and well water, calibrated to within a few parts per million. For fun, I checked brining and was surprised to find that 1 Tbsp per cup yielded a 2.8% salt level. The recommended 2 tsp registered 1.4%. And it took 2 Tbsp per cup to reach 5.4%.
  • Janet C
    Janet C
    Interesting! Did you weigh your salt? The coarseness of the salt affects how much salt fits into a teaspoon.. I always go by mass over volume when fermenting

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