Recipes > Black Cherry & Black Pepper Sorbet

Black Cherry & Black Pepper Sorbet


Fresh cherries picked at their peak are combined with sweetener and a touch of peppery spice. This is the perfect partner for dark, delicious raw chocolate.
  • Serves: 3 cups
  • Active Time: 30 mins
  • Total Time: 2 hrs
  • Views: 29,350
  • Success Rating: 0% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: Preparing the Sorbet

Preparing the Sorbet
  • 4 cups fresh black cherries, pitted (substitute currants or raspberries)
  • 1/2 mandarin orange, juiced
  • 5 tbsp agave syrup
  • 3/4 tsp freshly-ground black pepper
  • pinch of sea salt
  • pinch of freshly ground nutmeg


Combine the cherries, juice and sweetener in a high–speed blender. Add the salt and nutmeg and process until smooth.

Pour into a sorbet maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Note: This is a delicious accompaniment to the Chocolate Ganache Torte


  • Cancelled
    What do I use if I have not got a sorbet maker? Thanks
  • Chris R Rouxbe Staff
    Chris R
    Hi Purity, A food processor or blender are good alternatives. -Chris
  • Rosemary L
    Rosemary L
    Is that half a mandarin? So that must be like a teaspoon of orange juice? I wouldn't even know how to juice half a mandarin.
  • Char N Rouxbe Staff
    Char N
    Hi Rosemary--Thanks for your question. Generally speaking, a full orange contains about 4-5 tablespoons of juice, so, I would say that 2T would be the liquid measure from the half orange. You can use a citrus reamer to get the juice from the half of the mandarin orange. You could also use a handheld squeezer. Cheers, Char
  • Bethany S
    Bethany S
    There's a solid chance this is the best sorbet I've ever eaten! I went a little heavier on the orange and the nutmeg. Also, I used dark sweet cherries, which may have made it an entirely different dessert after all, but, MAN, that was tasty!

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