Recipes > Garlic Confit

Garlic Confit


Garlic cloves are very gently poached in olive oil—transforming them into delicate, sweet and tender pieces of garlic. The confit cloves can be used to flavor soups, sauces, pastas, pizza, vinaigrettes, marinades, mashed potatoes or as a delicious spread.
  • Serves: 1 cup
  • Active Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hr
  • Views: 61,389
  • Success Rating: 100% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: Preparing Your Mise en Place

Preparing Your Mise en Place
  • 1 cup garlic cloves*
  • 1 to 2 cups extra-virgin olive oil


Peel the garlic (*see notes below). Ultimately, the amount of garlic does not matter. In fact, you could confit from as little as a few cloves up to hundreds of cloves. What is important is that the garlic is completely submerged in olive oil.

Step 2: Cooking & Straining the Garlic

Cooking & Straining the Garlic


Add the oil. The amount of oil added will depend on the size of pot used. The larger the pot, the more oil you will need; therefore, try to use a relatively small pot.

Heat the garlic over low heat. The oil should not reach above 210°F (100°C) and only small bubbles should form. As the oil heats up, bits of skin may float to the surface; skim them with a mesh strainer. Gently cook the garlic for 40 to 45 minutes, or until it is very tender and the cloves look pale-golden. Remove pan from the heat and set aside. Let the cloves cool in the oil. Strain the oil into a sealable container and add the cloves of garlic. Refrigerate for one to two weeks.

Alternatively, the garlic can be slowly poached in a low oven. Again, the temperature should not go above 210°F (100°C).

Bring garlic confit to room temperature before using, as the oil will firm up when refrigerated. Always use a clean spoon to remove the garlic.

Chef's Notes

The subtle and rich flavor will be infused into the oil, which can also be used in any number of dishes.

Three Ways to Peel the Garlic:

Bring a pot of water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Place the unpeeled garlic cloves in a sieve and dip them in the hot water for 20 seconds. Remove from the boiling water and immediately place the sieve with the garlic cloves in an ice water bath. As soon as the cloves are cooled, cut off the root ends and peel away the garlic skins. Pat dry with a clean kitchen towel.

Place the cloves of garlic into a large stainless-steel mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with another mixing bowl, making sure that the edges meet. Then shake the heck out of the garlic. The banging of the cloves against the bowls will remove most, if not all, of the skins.

Buy garlic that has already been peeled. If buying already peeled garlic, be sure to buy really fresh organic garlic cloves. If you have a Whole Foods Market near you, they typically sell it fresh daily.


  • Eunice M
    Eunice M
    Rick Bayless's show introduced me to mojo de ajo. unctuously good as lime juice is added to the confit for an additional 20 minutes of simmering. which makes me think what else can be added...
  • Linda R
    Linda R
    This is absolutely delicious. My favorite is as a spread or tossed with butter and parmesan cheese over pasta. ( I love garlic ) How long can you keep this ? expiration date ?
  • Ken R Rouxbe Staff
    Ken R
    Hi- I'd aim to have them consumed in 30 days, but you can keep them longer under more constant refrigeration. Enjoy it! ~Ken
  • Marienel B
    Marienel B
    More recently I've been reading about instances of botulism in herbed or garlic oil. The confit-temperature is not high enough to off the bacteria. I have been using fair bit of cashew feta in homemade garlic oil without any ill effects, but I was wondering if you could enlighten me on the issue of botulism & oil? Because oil is apparently the perfect anaerobic environment and garlic (and a lot of other things) can contain the bacteria. I know it is not as serious as leaving room temp salmon wrapped in clingfilm, but still, I was wondering how worried I should be. For now I've discontinued the cheese, because everyone from Sandor Ellis Katz to the Dutch food centre warns against garlic oil. And I hold great stock in Mr. Katz.
  • Eric W Rouxbe Staff
    Eric W
    Marienel, you are correct! In the world of food safety it has been recommended for many years to avoid putting garlic in oil due to risks associated with botulism. Please see the following information:
  • Beryl T
    Beryl T
    So after all of that is this recipe safe and if so how come?
  • Eric W Rouxbe Staff
    Eric W
    Beryl, yes, the recipe is safe. The concern for botulism applies particularly to raw garlic; this recipe calls for cooking the garlic. If garlic is cooked to at least 185 degrees F or 85 degrees C for at least 5 minutes, then the toxin, if present, is killed, according to the World Health Organization,for%205%20minutes%20or%20longer).
  • Cynthia T
    Cynthia T
    I made the confit in the oven and it is wonderful! It has been a month in the refrigerator and I hate to throw it out. Would it be safe to eat or safer to throw out? Also, after it is made can the cloves be separated out and used or frozen and the oil kept on the counter where I keep my other oils?
  • Sandy S
    Sandy S
    Hi Cynthia, I would keep the oil in the refrigerator, treat it as a perishable. The oil can last in your refrigerator for quite a long time, be sure to smell it before use, and if it smells fresh, use it, if it smells bad or rancid, throw it out. You could separate the garlic from the oil (possibly extending the life of the oil itself) and either use the garlic or freeze in ice cube trays with a bit of oil (either some of the garlic oil or just some olive oil) to keep it from getting freezer burned. Or, you can make it into a garlic paste and freeze similarly. Cheers! Sandy
  • Michael K
    Michael K
    Can the cloves be cut in half to reduce the amount of olive oil needed (to be completely submerged) and how might this affect the flavor?
  • Char N Rouxbe Staff
    Char N
    Michael, you can. Just make certain that the garlic is not over cooked (to prevent bitterness), and that all the safety guidelines are followed for storage. Thanks for writing. Char

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