Recipes > Homemade Mayonnaise

Homemade Mayonnaise


Making delicious mayonnaise from scratch is easy.
  • Serves: 1/3 cup (approx.)
  • Active Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Views: 61,433
  • Success Rating: 92% (?)
    0% - I fed it to the dog


Step 1: Making Mayonnaise

Making Mayonnaise
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 juiced lemon
  • 1 pinch kosher salt
  • 1 pinch white pepper


To make the mayonnaise, mix together the egg yolk and Dijon mustard. Very slowly add in the oil, while constantly whisking.

Next, squeeze in a tiny bit of fresh lemon juice while continuing to whisk. Season to taste with salt and white pepper. Whisk together.

Once done, refrigerate until ready to use. Homemade mayonnaise is fantastic with pommes frites, calamari or crab cakes, just to name a few.

Chef's Notes

If you have ten minutes or less you can make mayonnaise from scratch and serve it with pommes frites, calamari or crab cakes.

The key to making great mayonnaise is to add the oil slowly, while whisking constantly. It is best to make only as much as you’ll use, but if you need more you can always double the ingredients. Make sure to keep the mayonnaise cold at all times and store in the refrigerator for only a day or two at the most.

Egg Safety: The risk of contracting a food-borne illness or salmonella from raw eggs is quite low. However, if you are concerned about this risk, a safer alternative is to purchase pasteurized eggs.

Mayonnaise can be flavored with many different ingredients such as fresh herbs, pesto or pureed canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce.


  • J G
    J G
    I like to make big batches of mayonnaise in my food processor, and unlike every recipe I've seen which says you can only keep it a week, mine keeps for two months or more in the fridge. The secret? Add several tablespoons of active-culture whey while making it, then, after putting it into your storage container, leave the container out on the counter overnight, refrigerating it in the morning. This turns your mayonnaise from a potential petri dish for bad microorganisms into a filled ecology for good organisms. Since the ecological niche is already filled, bad organisms have a hard time getting in. This makes it not only more convenient, it is a very healthy addition. One thing, though...if you use this to make Waldorf salad, you'll notice the salad tastes slightly fermented on the second day, even if you keep it in the fridge. (Personally, I think that's a plus.) You get active-culture whey by straining active-culture yogurt through cheese-cloth or other cloth. For mayonnaise, you'll only need several tablespoons, but whey is a great addition to other culturing projects like sauerkraut or kim-chee. It ensures that it works to perfection every time. Another trick I use for mayonnaise is to use 4/5 olive oil and 1/5 coconut oil. The two flavors balance themselves so that neither is overpowering.
  • Fab R
    Fab R
    When you say active culture, are you referring to yeast? How much to you put in it? Thanks.
  • J G
    J G
    Well, yes and no. If you're using yoghurt to get your whey (second paragraph above), then it's Lactobacilli acidophilus, a beneficial bacteria. If you're using kefir, which is what I currently use, it would be a combination of several yeasts and bacteria. As for how need to be exact. I'd use a tablespoon of whey for a small recipe, maybe three tablespoons for a large one. All you're doing is innoculating it...that is, giving it a big batch of microorganisms to get it started. You probably can't find active-culture yogurt at a regular grocery store, unless perhaps you live in California. Look for plain, unflavored yogurt at the health-food store. It should have some variation of the words "active culture" on it. To strain out the whey, I use a very clean men's cotton handkerchief to line a large seive, and then just pour in some yogurt and let it drain into a bowl for several hours. It should produce a thin, yellow liquid that is slightly sour...that's whey.
  • Greg S
    Greg S
    I buy Trader Joe's French Village Nonfat yogurt. When the container is half empty and sits for a week or so a yellow liquid forms on top as it seems to be separating, kind of like natural peanut butter when the solids go to the bottom and the oil rises to the top. Is this liquid the whey, i wonder? I assure you its not bad or old yogurt, as this seems to happen to every container of that brand that i've bought, and before the expiration date and without changing taste of the yogurt.
  • Mike M
    Mike M
    That is whey; but, I would use a non flavored variety. Also, at least in upstate NY, there is no problem finding active culture yogurt in any of the super markets. Actually it seems as common as not. I've never heard of using it as the original poster stated. It's an interesting idea... One that I'd like to hear more about. - m re: the recipe. Do you really need the mustard? The egg yolk itself is a fine emulsification agent I thought.
  • J G
    J G
    Culturing - another word is fermentation, also pickling - milk, vegetables, even meats, using beneficial bacteria or yeasts, is a very, very old art. Almost every traditional culture around the world cultures something. (Sorry for using two definitions of "culture" in the same sentance...) Pickles, sauerkraut, kim-chee, natto, miso, tempeh, yogurt, kefir, koumiss, kvass, kombucha, chutney...the list is endless. The only reason we don't know about it today is because our food chain has become big business, and culturing is inherantly small-batch. As a result, they replace fermentation over time with salt and vinegar, and call it "pickles" or "sauerkraut". From the Wikipedia article on fermentation of food: Food fermentation has been said to serve five main purposes: 1. Enrichment of the diet through development of a diversity of flavors, aromas, and textures in food substrates. 2. Preservation of substantial amounts of food through lactic acid, alcohol, acetic acid and alkaline fermentations. 3. Biological enrichment of food substrates with protein, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and vitamins. 4. Detoxification during food-fermentation processing. 5. A decrease in cooking times and fuel requirements. Anyhoo, you can find lots and lots of info on the web about culturing. My favorite book is "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. It is a wonderful health treatise/cookbook, and has a great chapter on culturing.
  • Tine H
    Tine H
    I start with mustard , a whole egg, salt and a bit pepper in the foodprocessor. Slowly put the (sunflower) oil in.Finally some good vinegar or lemonjuice If it curdles add some warm water. (Even so if the mayo is too thick) One can also add garlic and/or green herbs, or red chili.Tine
  • Kimberley S Rouxbe Staff
    Kimberley S
    The risk of contracting a food-borne illness or salmonella from raw eggs is quite low. However, if you are concerned about this risk, a safer alternative is to purchase pasteurized eggs. Other things to keep in mind with mayonnaise: keep it cold at all times, try to only make the amount that you will immediately use, and store any leftovers for no more than a day or two in the refrigerator.
  • Kadina R
    Kadina R
    Can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil? Does it matter?
  • Dawn T
    Dawn T
    You can use olive oil but just know that the flavor will be different as the olive oil itself has a stronger flavor than a vegetable oil or grapeseed oil which are more neutral. If you like you can do a mix of half olive oil and half vegetable. Cheers!
  • Marie A
    Marie A
    Where pasteurized eggs are sold? Is it in a container as milk or cream? Thank you
  • Kimberley S Rouxbe Staff
    Kimberley S
    You'll have to check in the area in which you live. Here in Vancouver, there is a company that sells them (see this thread). In the US, this company sells pasteurized eggs. Cheers!
  • Jeanne M
    Jeanne M
    I just whipped this up just now. It took almost no time at all, and I didn't even measure anything. I did use olive oil instead of vegetable oil. Can't tell you how much I have struggled with mayonnaise. I tried it because I saw it on a tv cooking show. The host gave so many directions that I thought it had to be really difficult. I used to be afraid to whip the oil in too fast so my arm would get tired before I got anywhere, I thought you had to add the lemon juice in two stages. I've done it in the food processor too and had troubles with broken mayo, mayo that never formed an emulsion and once the mayo got ALL over me, my glasses, my hair, the kitchen. Don't ask how that happened. It was a mess. Actually, it seems like egg yolk and mustard just want to become mayonnaise. It's crazy - crazy simple. Thanks.
  • Alexander F
    Alexander F
    Low risk? Tell it to this woman I'd stay away from raw eggs recipes
  • Dawn T
    Dawn T
    Eggs can be an issue due to many factors: how the chickens are raised, how the eggs are packaged and shipped, how they are stored (at room temperature in Europe), the fact that in many homes eggs are stored for weeks and well past their expiration date. In fact, eggs are one of the top 10 most allergic foods. If uncomfortable, avoid raw eggs, plain and simple. There are a lot more foods to put on the table than eggs, and if they are an issue where you live, like with processed meats and ground beef, simply use your eggs in preparations where they are fully cooked. Cheers!
  • Becky R
    Becky R
    Any recipes or tips for making eggless mayo? It's dreadfully expensive to buy, and for those folks who are concerned about salmonella... (we raised our own hens so I wasn't concerned), the quality of store eggs is generally very poor . I did develop an egg sensitivity so I was wondering if there was a trick to making it with grapeseed oil or other oils, and without eggs. Thanks!
  • Kimberley S Rouxbe Staff
    Kimberley S
    Here is a site with a few recipes you can try. Let us know how it goes. Cheers!
  • Allan O
    Allan O
    I have tried to make mayonnaise several times, but have never succeeded. I have tried by hand (with a wisk), in the food processor and in the blender. Each time, I carefully whip the egg yolks and VERY SLOWLY dribble the cooking oil. I have gotten it to a point where it does emulsify and start to thicken, but then, after adding more oil (well less than the recipe calls for), it turns to a very runny, yet tasty, liquid. I'm beginning to think that perhaps I just have no talent for making mayonnaise. What am I not doing right?
  • Kimberley S Rouxbe Staff
    Kimberley S
    I'm not entirely clear what you mean when you say "adding oil (well less than the recipe calls for)". Basically, if you add very little oil when making the mayonnaise, it will turn out to be a thin sauce. If you add more oil, while always whisking vigorously, the consistency will thicken to the point that it will hold its shape. For each egg yolk, you will be able to easily whisk in at least 3/4 to 1 cup of oil. You may also want to try adding a bit of lemon juice at the beginning (rather than just at the end). A bit of added liquid helps with the emulsion. Hope this helps. Cheers!
  • Len L
    Len L
    My wife is a very picky eater and will only use Helman's mayonnaise, which is white in color, in recipes. Is there any way I can make white mayonnaise, not the yellow color produced using the school's recipe?
  • Daniel R
    Daniel R
    That happens when you use a stickblender, here's a clip:! Another thing I found is to add the whites as well: Don't know why it affects the color so much though :)
  • Tony M Rouxbe Staff
    Tony M
    Pasteurized eggs and other additives can alter the color of mayonnaise. If you want to make it white, emulsify some boiling water to a thick mayonnaise - it will "bleach" its yellow pigment. However, to many purists, mellow yellow is beautiful.
  • Franck C
    Franck C
    Hi, I heard some people say "make sure the egg is at room temperature" or even " make sure all ingredients are at room temperature". Has room temperature any relevance? What if room temperature is either hot or cool, does it have any impact on emulsion?
  • Kimberley S Rouxbe Staff
    Kimberley S
    Yes, room temperature ingredients will help the emulsion bind more easily. It doesn't mean that you can't make a mayonnaise if the ingredients (yolks/mustard) are cool/cold. For food safety though, I wouldn't attempt to make a mayonnaise starting with hot ingredients - besides, the emulsion will likely split if it's too hot. Cheers!
  • Kim O
    Kim O
    I belong to a ladies group that would enjoy seeing this video and reading the comments. Is it all right to send a link of this to my group? Kim
  • Joe G
    Joe G
    Hi Kim, Sure you can share the link to this discussion. You could also share the link to and your group friends could sample a lesson or two on Rouxbe. Up to you. Cheers, Joe.
  • Elle R
    Elle R
    I didn't realise it was so simple to make mayonnaise.. Every other recipe and book out there makes it so complicated, apart from Rouxbe! It is great to be able to actually learn to cook and do things properly. Thanks again Rouxbe. I shall be teaming this with my beer battered fish and chips tonight! One more thing.. Can I make a tartare sauce from a mayonnaise?
  • Ken R Rouxbe Staff
    Ken R
    You bet, Elle. You can make tartar sauce from fresh mayonnaise. I add capers, minced cornichon (or dill pickle), lemon juice and some chopped herbs. If you go online, you will see a many examples for inspiration - I like to make mine with plenty of acidity to lift and brighten the fish. ~Ken
  • Elle R
    Elle R
    I agree with the acidity. My mayonnaise was the star of the show tonight haha. It should have been the fish! Never mind. I will do some research online as well. Thanks Ken :)
  • Melina G
    Melina G
    I love this lesson. And thank you J. G. for the culturing information.
  • Marjorie F
    Marjorie F
    How to fix a runny mayonnaise? The mayo looked fine until I added the lemon juice. I think I added too much and the mayo became too loose. How would I have made the mayo thicker at that point? Thank you very much.
  • Eric W Rouxbe Staff
    Eric W
    Marjorie, The addition of oil will thicken the mayo.
  • Marjorie F
    Marjorie F
    I will certainly try the oil. Thank you very much.
  • Marjorie F
    Marjorie F
    I will certainly try the oil. Thank you very much.
  • Rhea maria T
    Rhea maria T
    Hello, What can I substitute eggs for in making a plant based mayo and in which amounts? Thank you :)
  • Char N Rouxbe Staff
    Char N
    Hi Rhea: you can use an egg replacer (dry) or a product like “Just Egg.” Substitution amounts will be listed on the packages. However, you can also take a look at this recipe which is made from Aquafaba: Sorry that you cannot quick link, but you can cut and paste. Let us know what you decide to do. Thx for writing. Cheers, Char

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