Lessons > How to Cook Dried Legumes

★★★★★ (48)

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Lesson Overview

Dried beans, peas and lentils, otherwise known as legumes or pulses, are the seeds of mature, fresh beans that have been dried. One of the oldest cultivated crops, dried beans are an excellent source of protein, dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates. Legumes are a vital and healthy staple in ma…

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • understand how to buy and store dried legumes
  • prepare beans for cooking by sorting and rinsing
  • identify three methods for soaking beans
  • properly cook and test beans for doneness
  • identify a variety of dried legumes

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: How to Cook Dried Legumes
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. Buying & Storing Dried Beans
Not Started
4. Sorting, Rinsing & Soaking Dried Beans
Not Started
5. Cooking Dried Beans
Not Started
6. Testing Beans for Doneness
Not Started
7. Activity | Adding Beans to Your Diet
Not Started
8. Practice Activities & Recipes
Not Started
9. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

Sue K "Thanks. This is a wonderful wonderful site. I feel special. Thanks and keep up the good work" Sue K. ★★★★★
"Learned lots of good info." ★★★★★
"Thanks. This is a wonderful wonderful site. I feel special. Thanks and keep up the good work" ★★★★★
"I've always been unsure about soaking times, cooking times, etc. This class is amazing and worth while for anyone with or without experience. There are so many great learnings in the class!" ★★★★★
"Excellent!" ★★★★★
"I enjoyed the lesson very much and now have a fridge full of beans to use!" ★★★★★
"Its good to know different kind of legumes and how to prepare them in lots of ways, not only in soup but also in salad and a choice of different way of incorporating it to our diet. Thanks!!" ★★★★★
"Legumes are new territory for me. This lesson took me through without fanfare, just solid material that is needed to approach cooking legumes and gain confidence. I now feel confident to select, prepare and cook legumes for many future meals." ★★★★★
"I really enjoyed learning this way. It was very informative and an easy guide to follow, plus the recipes are great!" ★★★★★
"I was making this bean cooking thing way too difficult." ★★★★★
"Perfect and well thought out lesson. I should be able to cook beans with confidence." ★★★★★
"Really enjoyed this lesson. Because we eat so many legumes daily this lesson really helped to be more efficent when making and buying legumes." ★★★★
"Good lesson!" ★★★★
"grate class i loved it thanks a million Rouxbe!!!" ★★★★★
"Great class. I learned a few new things about cooking beans that I didn’t know before. With this knowledge I think it will be easier to add beans to our menu more often." ★★★★★
"I feel so confident now. Cooking dried beans was a lot of guess work or relying on package instructions. Now I have the knowledge to cook any bean and make a variety of dishes with fresh cooked beans instead of relying on cans. THANK YOU ROUXBE!!!" ★★★★★
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17 Videos | 9 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: How to Cook Dried Legumes
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: Buying & Storing Dried Beans
Task 4: Sorting, Rinsing & Soaking Dried Beans
Task 5: Cooking Dried Beans
Task 6: Testing Beans for Doneness
Task 7: Activity | Adding Beans to Your Diet
Task 8: Practice Activities & Recipes

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