Lessons > How to Make Polenta (Plant-Based)

★★★★★ (6)

1,315 Students
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Lesson Overview

Polenta is a long-time staple in Italian and European cuisines. Unfortunately, it has a reputation of being bland and very challenging to cook, but this is simply not true. By following just a few simple steps, polenta is actually one of the easiest dishes to prepare.

As a main course, polenta…

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • define what polenta is
  • identify the different types and grinds of cornmeal available
  • determine the ratio of liquid to polenta to suit your tastes
  • cook lump-free polenta by using the cold or hot method
  • identify when polenta has finished cooking
  • enhance and flavor polenta

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Introduction: How to Make Polenta
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. Types of Cornmeal for Polenta
Not Started
4. Liquid & Ratios for Polenta
Not Started
5. Cooking Polenta
Not Started
6. Finishing Polenta
Not Started
7. Practice Activities & Recipes
Not Started
8. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

"Inspired me to give Polenta 1 more chance." ★★★★★
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5 Videos | 8 Tasks
Task 1: Introduction: How to Make Polenta
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: Types of Cornmeal for Polenta
Task 4: Liquid & Ratios for Polenta
Task 5: Cooking Polenta
Task 6: Finishing Polenta
Task 7: Practice Activities & Recipes
Task 8: Lesson Quiz

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