Lessons > Salad Dressing & Vinaigrette Basics (Plant-Based)

★★★★★ (8)

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Lesson Overview

All chefs and seasoned cooks make their own vinaigrettes and dressings. They are extremely easy to make and most importantly, the cook is in complete control of what goes into them.

Most manufactured vinaigrettes and dressings contain a long list of unnatural ingredients and preservatives. Wh…

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Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson you'll be able to:
  • identify commonly used oils and acids used to make vinaigrette
  • describe the difference between stable and unstable emulsions
  • make a basic vinaigrette and learn how to vary it

Course Syllabus

START: Watch Lesson Platform Tour
1. Salad Dressing & Vinaigrette
Not Started
2. Complete Your Self Assessment
Not Started
3. Unstable vs. Stable Emulsions
Not Started
4. Oils for Vinaigrettes & Dressings
Not Started
5. Acids for Vinaigrettes & Dressings
Not Started
6. How to Make a Basic Vinaigrette
Not Started
7. How to Vary a Vinaigrette
Not Started
8. Matching Oils & Vinegars to Greens
Not Started
9. Practice Activities & Recipes
Not Started
10. Lesson Quiz
Not Started

Practice Recipes

A few of the practice recipes you'll learn in this lesson.

What People Are Saying

"it is a good intro to the subject matter." ★★★★★
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20 Videos | 10 Tasks
Task 1: Salad Dressing & Vinaigrette
Task 2: Complete Your Self Assessment
Task 3: Unstable vs. Stable Emulsions
Task 4: Oils for Vinaigrettes & Dressings
Task 5: Acids for Vinaigrettes & Dressings
Task 6: How to Make a Basic Vinaigrette
Task 7: How to Vary a Vinaigrette
Task 8: Matching Oils & Vinegars to Greens

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