Maryland Registered Apprenticeship Program Certifications

Providing related technical instruction (RTI) for the Certified Culinarian and Certified Sous Chef
Industry-recognized culinary training and credentials
Rouxbe is a registered group sponsor for the state
Rouxbe-managed program including grading, tracking, and seamless integration with the ACF
Eligible for funding support from state workforce boards
Online, self-paced curricula directly applicable to the worksite

Learn about how you can use state workforce funds to cover your apprenticeship program costs - up to $4,500 per apprentice

Apprenticeship Program Options

With two ACF-certified apprenticeship levels, development and training programs can be customized to meet the organizational and candidate objectives. 
  • certified CULINARIAN (CC®)
This price includes student ACF fees including the membership and exam.
Safety and Sanitation
30 CEs
30 CEs

Introduction to Food Service
30 CEs
Supervisory Management
30 CEs
Dining Room Service and Beverage Management
30 CEs
Purchasing & Receiving
30 CEs
Food Preparation I
30 CEs
Elective Course I
30 CEs
Safety and Sanitation
30 CEs
30 CEs

Introduction to Food Service
30 CEs
Supervisory Management
30 CEs
Dining Room Service and Beverage Management
30 CEs
Purchasing & Receiving
30 CEs
Food Preparation I
30 CEs
Elective Course I
30 CEs
Food Preparation II
30 CEs
Food Cost Accounting
30 CEs
Menu Planning
30 CEs
Garde Manger
30 CEs
Baking and Pastry
30 CEs
Elective Course II
30 CEs

Trusted worldwide by leading hospitality, healthcare, educational and restaurant organizations

Years of Experience
Professional Kitchens

Available Grants & Incentives

Maryland State Tax Credit for Apprenticeship
$3000 for new employee hires eligible for Apprenticeship
Maryland Business Works Training Grants
Up to $4500 to support employer strategies for growth expansion and profession development

What Our Clients Are Saying

Think Rouxbe would be helpful as a training resource
Recommend Rouxbe as a training tool
Think Rouxbe is better or way better than training offered on the job

Learn how to start your ACF apprenticeship program with Rouxbe

How Rouxbe works in professional kitchens worldwide


Program Customization
In addition to providing online culinary training we can upload and host company-specific content ranging in topic, accommodate your branding specifications, integrate with other platforms and offer learning paths if needed.
Reporting & Program Evaluation
For multiple property clients, reports can be generated by month, by property and/or property region, and even by brand (if applicable) indicating new locations as they join the program, aggregate month-by-month summary of engagement, course completions and student evaluations.
Assessments, Certifications & College Credit
Assessments provide employees with feedback and a sense of professional development as they progress through the course. Automated Rouxbe-graded assessments include online quizzes, text and photo submissions and we encourage live-graded activities where cooks demonstrate competencies to kitchen supervisors.
Health & Wellness Training
Our curriculum covers traditional professional cooking school material and also teaches next generation cooks nutrition and dietary concepts that meet the demands of today’s health conscious clientele.
Benefits for
Apprentices repay some of all training costs through productive work

Future employees can be shaped according to company requirements

Saving recruitment costs

Reputation gains, productivity gains
Benefits for
Better employment chances and often better wages

Work experience

Development of soft and employability skills

Accessible training system 
Benefits for
Cost effective way of providing skill development

Employers take over parts of training costs and responsibility

Promotes relevance of training