Handling a Chef's Knife
Learn to cook like a pro from your own kitchen
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$ 10 per month
Access to more than 75 lessons
12 courses
Chef-curated recipes
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$99 per year
$ 20 per month
Access to more than 75 lessons
20 courses including Budget Cooking, Plant-based courses & more
Chef-curated recipes
Tips & techniques
Weekly live events with chef educators and industry guests
$199 per year
Have the world's leading online culinary school at your fingertips with unlimited access to membership courses, all lessons and hundreds of recipes. Additionally, you will receive chef support from renowned chef educators and hands-on assessments to practice your newly developed technique. With over 700,000 students worldwide we are teaching the world to cook – the right way!
Access to 75 lessons and hundreds of chef-created recipes
Personalized instructor support and grading
More than 12 courses ranging from pasta to knife skills
Certificate of Completion upon graduating courses

Learn from anywhere,
on your schedule
on your schedule
Available 24/7 and streamed on any device our courses were designed to fit your schedule.
We'll keep you engaged
along the way
along the way
Ongoing chef support, interactive quizzes and live online seminars keep our students going strong.
Use our robust learning
management system
management system
Our structured courses and syllabus-driven programs guide students to achieving their culinary goals.
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online community
online community
With over 700,000 students worldwide, enjoy an engaged online community that supports your journey during and after class.
Join more than 700,000 students worldwide.
We've partnered with some of the world's best brands

Rouxbe has created an exceptional culinary training tool that can reach aspiring chefs on a scale not previously thought possible.
Marcus Samuelsson
Award-winning Author and Chef
Never in my four decades of culinary education have I seen a resource with Rouxbe's potential to transform the way students learn.
Richard Grausman
C-CAP Founder and James Beard Award Winner
There is no better online resource for learning and practicing cooking skills and techniques than Rouxbe.
Chef Robert LeCrom
Executive Chef, The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
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